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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Wart or beauty mark? Depends entirely on who is doing the evaluating judging. Can DEFECTS be turned into ASSETS?

Wart or beauty mark? Depends entirely on who is doing the evaluating judging. Can DEFECTS be turned into ASSETS?

Some can sell anything no matter what it is. There is an audience out there for it. You just have find it.

Also you can take ordinary average typical standard..shine it up...put it in a box, call it a PET ROCK and charge $10! I have no idea how many PET ROCKS were sold but it just shows ta go ya people will buy anything.

The hucksters can lie about the defect or hide it or deny it OR they can highlight the defect and make it so it is that very defect that brings value to the "it". People too. How many defective folks have become successful?
People are drawn to defects. Maybe because it makes them feel superior to or better than? Or maybe they have the same defects and think "if he can become successful anyone can including me". Maybe.

Who is the most defective most successful anyone you can think of living at any time in history?

Who is the most defective most successful anyone you can think of living at any time in fantasy?

Posted - June 17, 2020
