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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Next loyalty test trump will exact? "Let's all drink some poison. It's good for you! Trust me. I know these things. On the 4th of July?

Next loyalty test trump will exact? "Let's all drink some poison. It's good for you! Trust me. I know these things. On the 4th of July?

It will independence you from life!

What a thrill!

Who was the guy who Kool Aided his followers? Poisoned it made them lie down on a bed and drink it and die?

Can you IMAGINE what a joy that would be for all of y'all! And how long trump would brag on it?.

That you loved him so much you gave your life to prove it?

Make America Great Again. Drink kool aid laced with poison with your fellow MAGAS! Maybe by then you will have developed a resistance to it and you'll have tailgate parties at his rallies where poison is the drink du jour! Or not.

I mean the guy asked you to risk your lives to  rally him and shout him and clap him and cheer him on and up at a rally and sign away your rights to sue him when you get the disease. You done dooded that. Why not drink the poison? Bet some of you would. Would you take that bet? Some of you would do anything he asked you to do. Cuz ya luv him to death...he loves you to death too and he is showing that luv to you tomorrow. Up close and personal. Lock him up. Send him back. Wall his build.

Posted - June 19, 2020
