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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » President Barack Obama could have chosen an African American to be his veep but he went the usual route and picked a white man. Why?

President Barack Obama could have chosen an African American to be his veep but he went the usual route and picked a white man. Why?

To get the white vote? Would he have gone down with an African American as his choice for veep?

Will Joe go down if he doesn't choose an African American woman? Will he lose the African American vote because he didn't choose one of THEM?

Chances are he won't buck the demand and will comply because he has a gun to his head. Which is a shame because there are so many TALENTED INTELLIGENT CAPABLE African American female pols. They could have won on their own without the pressure. Extortion threat maybe? They could have won on their own but it seems the people out there don't have confidence in that so they are "either/iorring"? It's complicated. African American female pols do not need the butcher to put his thumb on the scale in their favor. In my opinion..

Posted - June 20, 2020
