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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Those who say they want a SCOTUS that rules on law and does not make it are full of crap. What do they really want demand?

Those who say they want a SCOTUS that rules on law and does not make it are full of crap. What do they really want demand?

A SCOTUS that will roll over for trump and give him anything he wants.

Law be dam*ed.
Precedent be dam*ed
Fair be dam*ed
Just be dam*ed

Do the bidding of trump in all things and the adoring worshippers defenders protecter of the big man will be happy as clams at high tide. They say they want law and order. They lie.

They want the trump to be in charge of all things without obstruction. Wherever that takes the country matters not to them as long as trump gets his way and nothing gets in his way. Nice don't you think?

Posted - June 20, 2020
