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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A lady who bought a ticket legally was sitting on the ground wearing a shirt that said "I CAN'T BREATHE". She is being removed. WHY?

A lady who bought a ticket legally was sitting on the ground wearing a shirt that said "I CAN'T BREATHE". She is being removed. WHY?

She has been handcuffed now and pulled out.

So the trump shows his true colors. When he said he does not want protesters attending he meant it.

She is being arrested for doing what? For daring to wear a shirt that sez "I CAN'T BREATHE"

She said she is being arrested for TRESPASSING simply for wearing the shirt. TRESPASSING for wearing the shirt at the rally of the trump.

Would you arrest her for what she wears when all she did was sit down masked alone quietly minding her own business? What are you afraid of? What is trump afraid of?

Her name is Sheila Buck. Make whatever you will of it but beware of what you wear. It can get you arrested.

The trump is terrified of critics. Even quiet ones who don't say a word. He is terrified frightened insecure and quite pathetic. So much for being tough and strong and brave.  HE CAVES at the words on t shirt? Seriously?

Posted - June 20, 2020
