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Just when I was getting a little bit relaxed California cases are surging/spiking. Back to intense unrelaxed. What's going on with you?

Posted - June 24, 2020


  • 44566
    I am still very cautious. I am having a hard time comprehending the incredible stupidity of people.
      June 24, 2020 6:46 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm just plain scared now E. I was apprehensive before but not scared. Why? Because our Governor locked us down for weeks and the cases were beginning to flatten. But suddenly they are spiking/surging and we're back to where we were several months ago. How is it that a state whose Governor has a brain and a plan that was ORDERED couldn't flatten the curve? Of course you have the trump traveling from hot spot to hot spot holding rallies where masks are not favored. They attracts throngs of mobs who are gkadly jammed together in enclosed spaces for a few hours. They go back home taking with  the spittle of others loaded with virus I suppose and spread it around. It is very discouraging and I, like, you never imagine stupid dumb was so prevalent. I expect the Confederates are all united in that. Support the trump. Middle finger the virus.  Thank you  for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee and thine. At least your Republican Governor has a brain and cares about the people in his state. What next? More of the same I expect. :(
      June 25, 2020 4:10 AM MDT

  • 44566
    He can't stop the rednecks along the southern border. Yes we have our share of them. They should stay at home, take their drugs and spread it around the trailer parks.
      June 25, 2020 7:56 AM MDT

  • 113301
    From your lips but I think the trump rallies are the only places they can go. They cost nothing so they can afford that. Where else can trailer folks go? What else can go that crammed jammed with others and FREE? Kick up their heels, wear their MAGA stuff and feel oh so good? AARRGGHH. So far the trump hit tulsa a hot spot then phoenix a hot spot next Florida or Texas hot spots? Instead of leaving breadcrumbs he leaves death tracks. His way of standing out from the crowd. Thank you for your reply E.
      June 25, 2020 8:14 AM MDT