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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever wonder how far you could stretch your brain/mind before it snapped? Wanna try this on for size?

Ever wonder how far you could stretch your brain/mind before it snapped? Wanna try this on for size?

WHAT IF there were no extreme left or extreme right? WHAT IF there were only ONE SOURCE OF TRUTH?
WHAT IF we were left alone to figure things out based on our own research and observation and thinking? WHAT IF there were no partisan political faux msnbc?

Our education would be limited to FACT not fiction or spin or wishful thinking. No lying or denying would ever appear. We the people would never stand for it.

We would learn the alphabet. We would learn historical FACT not interpretation to fill a particular view of the few. NO prepackaged IDEOLOGY we were told we HAD to embrace because "the other" was evil and vile?

What if we grew up undamaged by hate?

What would the world be like filled with THINKING homo saps who were independent of mind independent of view independent of brainwashing or fictionalizing or motive forced upon them by unscrupulous "other"?


Does your mind not stretch that far? Are you afraid to test it and try it?

Afraid to live in world without spin? For heaven's sake WHY?

Posted - June 25, 2020
