They either have to live off their savings (if they’re lucky enough to have any), or they have to join the ranks of the homeless. Remember, in this country money is more important that human life.
Oh? I’m sorry, are you unemployed and terrified of going back to work? I AM! (high risk group).
Are you unable to pay your rent? Landlords may be able to go a little while with reduced fees or deferring them, but their bills come due too (property taxes, maintenance, etc.). Eventually, if one can’t pay the rent, they will have to go. With no income, that means living in ones car or out on the street.
Money has been more important than human life for many thousands of years. The rich buy and sell the poor.
"That included about 11 million people on Pandemic Unemployment Assistance — the special program for gig workers and others not eligible for regular benefits — up from 9.3 million in the prior week, the figures show."
Apparently, unemployment insurance is available for many folks who are out of work, including those who are reticent or afraid to go back.