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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Just as working from home is saving lives so too will voting by mail save lives. Why is trump so TERRIFIED of it?

Just as working from home is saving lives so too will voting by mail save lives. Why is trump so TERRIFIED of it?

So TERRIFIED Of it he continues to lie about it and badmouth it and denigrate desecrate it?

For many decades we have voted by mail in many states. He said zero about voting by mail in 2016. Why? Because he knew the fix was in elsewise otherwise foreign and domestic internet hackers fakers liars and everything was rigged for that very scheme so voting by mail was not an issue. He makes an issue now not because it is one but because he is DESPERATE to explain in advance the whipping he will get at the polls. The drubbing the overwhelming smackdown. So he will prime In ADVANCE all his dupables into expecting that when he loses. Why else would he be so very desperately frantic about that one thing?

Posted - June 26, 2020


  • 34633
    Because voting by mail is the easiest way to cheat. Simply fill Mom, Dad, Bro, Sis, Son, Daughter etc. And mail it in for them.  Especially if they know that one is not planning voting anyway. Or as a user here explained a family he knows is required to go to Dad's house and they all sit down together and fill their ballot out just as Dad tells them to do. 

    Then add vote harvesting on top of that.   Just crazy. 

    Voting should be in-person with photo ID and if you must use should be the one responsible to get your ballot there on time. Not vote harvesters. 
      June 26, 2020 6:51 AM MDT