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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The pendulum swings from one extreme to the other. No middle. A link is made between lynchings and pictures on products...both BAD. WHAT?

The pendulum swings from one extreme to the other. No middle. A link is made between lynchings and pictures on products...both BAD. WHAT?

To combat systemic racism and police brutality we remove photos of African Americans from products we buy.

This makes sense because? It is very weird. How does photo removal of pictures of African Americans reduce or stop systemic racism? How is that remotely comparable to getting rid of statues of traitors to the union? Can anyone explain that to me?

Now I see old time movies on TCM where whites are in black face or African Americans are shown as servants or comedy relief and I cringe. Such things would not be done today. That is demeaning denigrating and insulting.  But a picture of Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben on food products? Whom does that demean? Confusing.

Posted - June 27, 2020
