Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When the protections are created for CHECK AND BALANCE they are eliminated when all parties collude. The trump gubment is one. HAPPY?

When the protections are created for CHECK AND BALANCE they are eliminated when all parties collude. The trump gubment is one. HAPPY?

There is NO check and balance.

The trump  executive branch
the eunuch toady sycophant whinya** spinless Republican majority in the Senate
plus the justice (hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha) where JUSTICE reigns not at all

Collude through the demands of the trump. Put into action by the lawyer liddlebillybarrroycohn

The republican senate majority is worthless. Like (apologies) you know what on a bull.

american gubment....of thee I sing!

Posted - June 27, 2020
