Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Newsome orders bars to shutter". He closed beaches too. Who is to blame for this? The frisky beachy bar room crowd?

"Newsome orders bars to shutter". He closed beaches too. Who is to blame for this? The frisky beachy bar room crowd?

Swell. Repeat performance. Very slow to learn anything. Gotta repeat 10th grade again folks. You didn't pay attention. You didn't learn your lessons. So you failed and you gotta repeat.

We didn't fail but you drag us down with you. So thanks a lot for that. We really appreciate the thoughtfulness and consideration as you go maskless and think social distancing is for wimps. Well we got your message loud and clear. Repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat. Bah Humbug! Those dam* kids won't get off my lawn!

Posted - June 29, 2020


  • 10691

    Gol-darned whippersnappers! 

    However, it’s not just the youth.  I see people my age out there refusing to comply.  A majority of people only care about themselves.  Having concern for others only happens if one is satisfied first.  In fact, most people are “taught” to be selfish as children (by action or inaction).   A child learns that it has but to throw a fit and its parents will cave.  A child hits another and the parents call it cute.  The parent says such-and-such is wrong, but they do it themselves.  Or if the child does do it, the parents don’t do anything about it (no discipline), rendering their words meaningless.   Society says, “Look out for #1.”  “If someone offends you, sue them.”  “Everything’s acceptable as long as you don’t get caught.”   “Might makes right.”  “A greased palm opens many doors.”  “It’s all about me, myself, and I.”        Is it any wonder there’s so much injustice in the world?  These days, putting the needs of others ahead of one’s own is a foreign concept.  So much so that if we see someone actually doing it we marvel (“well, aren’t you a saint”).

    Why should anyone obey the “rules”?  It’s no skin off their nose if someone else suffers for their actions (or inactions).  “That’s their problem, not mine”.  “Oh well, sucks to be them.”  Unless a person’s actions affect them personally, they simply don’t care.  Empathy has become an outdated word.   This virus will continue either until they find a “cure” or until people learn what it means to put others ahead of themselves. 

    As those seemingly forgotten words said, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

      June 29, 2020 12:59 PM MDT

  • 113301
    AARRGGHH! Oy vey! I'm gobstomped and verklempt with your list Shuhak. You have a knack for covering a problem multidimensionally. I have no need to add on anything. You pretty much covered it.

    So we know this and we are used to it and we have grown able to deal with it. EXCEPT NOW IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH TO COMPLY! That's a big difference.

    My life is at risk. Jim's life is at risk. Your life is at risk. EVERYONE'S LIFE IS AT RISK. When was that ever true in your lifetime? At 82 I can't recall it. I know when I was a little girl there was much relief that a cure was found for polio. I remember seeing people who got it live out their lives in IRON LUNGS. Very scary. Of course there are other illnesses to deal with that you don't "catch"  like cancer. Second hand smoke can cause it but you catch from the damage the smoke does to your lungs. It is not a communicable disease.

    The stupid dumbs simply have no capacity to see the difference here. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH. NADA. They just roll over and stand their ground and become hostile and arrogant and condescending due to POLITICAL PARTISANSHIP alone. Not intellect. Not science. Not facts. POLITICAL PARTISANSHIP. Wonder how that's gonna be workin' for them somewhere down the line? It sure as he** doesn't work for the rest of us who are simply trying to do the right thing for us and others. We don't have to be geniuses to comprehend anything. Just pay attention to the science. Of course those who don't believe in science are dead from the beginning. Thank you for your reply Shuhak.

      June 29, 2020 1:14 PM MDT