For a long time at various times all I wanted to be was INVISIBLE. I do remember one occasion though. At a drugstore I'd frequent I crossed swords with a clerk there. I don't recall why or what it was about. But that drugstore was convenient and I made up my mind that I would make her a friend. No kidding. So I did. What I did was soften my mental state/attitude before I interacted with her. I was unarmed with "witty" and showed up in plain wrap. It didn't happen immediately but within a month she'd smile when I came in. Come to find out we shared the same birthday! Which answered the question of why we didn't hit it off right away.So it can be done. I did it! If I can do it anyone can do it! Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I wonder if others have done that? I'll ask.
This post was edited by RosieG at July 2, 2020 2:40 PM MDT