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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Easy solution to the current problem. Wonder why it took so long? The trump or a replacement can be prez of the CONFEDERATE STATES. AND?

Easy solution to the current problem. Wonder why it took so long? The trump or a replacement can be prez of the CONFEDERATE STATES. AND?

Joe Biden will be president of the UNITED STATES of Amerca. Two Americas separate and apart having nothing to do with one another. If you live in a Confederate State the trump is your guy and has total power over you.

Of course that will take TWO SCOTUS groups. Two entirely separate governments. Autonomous and sovereign.

I know there will be glitches and details to work out.

But at least we can see at the end of the tunnel. No skin of our nose what the Confederates do. And vicey versey.

I know. Crossing borders from one country to the other might require a visa/passport. But it can be worked out.

Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.

It will be a challenge but one with a HAPPY ENDING for everyone! How often does THAT happen?

Posted - July 2, 2020
