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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "The best day trump ever had was the day he won the presidency. He had nowhere to go but down." He has lived up to that Prophecy hasn't he?

"The best day trump ever had was the day he won the presidency. He had nowhere to go but down." He has lived up to that Prophecy hasn't he?

Posted - July 5, 2020


  • 10576

    It was his best as, at least in his mind, he had grabbed the silver ring.  He had attained the most prominent position in the world - king.  Now he would be able to do anything he wanted (and get away with it).  Now the entire world would bow before him and shower him with tributes of accolade.  He was a god.

    Then he found out that the “job” required actual work (something he despises).  Since he had no clue how to govern a country, he faked it.  He barked out orders and signed documents – and some people loved him.  He loved to hear things that made him sound good, so instead of listening to his advisors, he listened to a news station that told him only what he wanted to hear – how great he was.   To his   dismay, he found out that much of the world didn’t like him.  Instead of bowing before him, they laughed at and ridiculed him.  So he pandered to the few who would give him the attention he so desperately craved – N. Korea, Russia.  He catered to the people of America who would stroke his massive ego, while slandering all who refused to bow and kiss his feet.  While he had always been a sexist, xenophobic racist, he found that many of those who sang his praises were also that way.   So he let it all out, brandishing his hatred and cruelty - and his followers adored him even more. Anyone who refused to worship him he quickly exiled.  In his eyes, his kingdom was thriving – he was making money, “his” economy looked good, his party backed him 100% - and millions were singing his praises.

    Then along came a virus.  He quickly scoffed at it, playing it down and calling it a hoax.   Compared to his (imagined) greatness it was nothing.  Yet the virus spread, wresting the spotlight from him.  He ignored warnings and advice from medical experts, choosing rather to listen to his adoring fans and news station.  As the virus spread at an alarming rate and people were dying right and left, he ignored it, and clung to those who sang his praises. 

    Then racial violence broke out.  Yet instead of trying to broker peace, he sided with his adoring fans - further throwing gasoline on the fire.  Slowly those who once worshiped the ground he walked on began to question him.  Some even abandoned him.  Now as the nation crumbles around him, he desperately clings to the rabble that still adores him.   He evokes praise from them by telling lies and hurling insults, even though he knows his kingdom is doomed.   His motto – “if I have to go down then I’m taking the nation with me”.  If he can’t have the praise then no one can. 

      July 5, 2020 11:07 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Mighty accurate depiction of his time as the big cheese. One thing though. I doubt he expected to win so I doubt he had any plan. His lack of knowledge of government, American history and civility in general is what led him to start exeperimenting. He let his nature take over. Greedy dishonest cruel racist drove him before and drives him now. He kept pushing and pushing and pushing to see just how far he could go. He discovered he could terrify terrorize intimidate the Republicans by doing what he has always done. ATTACK INSULT THREATEN LIE. He had no idea he would find a billybarr but he kept whining "where is my Roy Cohn"? I think he played it as it laid and he got bolder and braver and now he feels there is no stopping him. Except for one thing. He is down in all the polls even in states he won in 2016. A wounded animal is most dangerous. He is bleeding from every orifice and frantic and also mad so how far he will take that we won't know until it's over. All it would have taken to stop him? That the pols would simply do their jobs. Not roll over. Not lie down. Not beg. Not play dead But they were found to be spineless shells and so he is in the catbird seat. Also rigging the election from every angle since he because the "head". All red state guvnors have gone out of their way to make voting difficult if not impossible. Also the lies that occur thanks to Facebook and the other places the filthy congregate to spread their lies run unimpeded. If the trump loses you know he** to pay will follow. I'd like to fast forward to December 1 and see where we are. By then all "votes" should be counted. But by whom? How do we know the fix isn't already in at every level? Once the head got the taste of complete power he will not likely relinquish it. His madness is what allows his fantasies. I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak! :).
      July 6, 2020 2:41 AM MDT