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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Who/what "counts" votes? By what process does that occur and how do we know powerful pols won't co-opt control manipulate CHEAT??

Who/what "counts" votes? By what process does that occur and how do we know powerful pols won't co-opt control manipulate CHEAT??

How can we trust anyone at anytime for any reason living in the corrupt environment that permeates politics?

As long as corruption benefits YOU then of course you embrace support defend it.

When it doesn't? That's a horse of a different color.

Why bother with the process entirely when we know it is CORRUPT?

Saying the voting my mail is a hotbed of FRAUD is a lie. Accusations do not a truth make. But well what if voting by mail per whomever is legally banished before November 2020? What then?

Posted - July 6, 2020
