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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Let trump be trump". He is counting on the CONFEDERATES to elect him once again to be their president. How many CONFEDERATES are there now?

"Let trump be trump". He is counting on the CONFEDERATES to elect him once again to be their president. How many CONFEDERATES are there now?

He would very much like to bring back the CONFEDERACY because he is alighned with all their goals and he knows he can count on them to vote for him.

RACISM be the key to slavery once again and well taking back the vote from women and not letting them own property. Put men back in charge of everything which is where they belong and put women back in the kitchen and bedroom barefoot pregnant obedient silent.

Well ladies who adore trump work hard and you will get to be that woman.

Posted - July 6, 2020
