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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "WE ARE STILL KNEE-DEEP IN THE FIRST WAVE OF THIS". The sayer is Dr. Anthony Fauci. The "this" is COVID 19. Feel better/worse?

"WE ARE STILL KNEE-DEEP IN THE FIRST WAVE OF THIS". The sayer is Dr. Anthony Fauci. The "this" is COVID 19. Feel better/worse?

3 million cases in america and counting and 131,000 deaths so far and counting. Allegedly incresed by 300,000 new cases in one week.

We have been told we must learn to live with it. I wonder how best to make it so? What is involved "getting used to" and are you very good at it or do you suck at it?

Posted - July 7, 2020
