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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What other demands/limitation/restrictions has the donald imposed upon his children? What else must they DARE NOT do?

What other demands/limitation/restrictions has the donald imposed upon his children? What else must they DARE NOT do?

Of course if you are not a money hungry greedy hoor you would do what you wanted to do with your life and tell the donald to f--- off. If. Only if. A big word IF.

But the trumps are all greedy money-hungry hoors so one demand the donald and ivana had was that donjohnjr not join the military. He would be disowned disinherited according to Mary Trump a niece.

I expect the trump has made demands of all of them.

I wouldn't be surprised if marriage to jared was an order from him to Ivanka.

He thumbs his hand on every scale he can and what is his threat? Attack insult disown disinherit revile vilify DESTROY.

The donald sees no difference in enemy among family friend stranger "the other". All who cross him automatically are/is enemy. A woman scorned is supposed to be most feared. thing there can ever be. Even fearsomer is the donald disobeyed. We've seen it. We've heard it. We've witnessed it. We've endured it. So far we have survived it.

Posted - July 8, 2020
