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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Lordy lordy lordy. Just heard that Chief Justice Roberts was hospitalized briefly last month due to a fall. Is that really all?

Lordy lordy lordy. Just heard that Chief Justice Roberts was hospitalized briefly last month due to a fall. Is that really all?

The reason we are told is that he became "lightheaded" due to being dehydrated.

Say that isn't true. Say he is ill with something that causes him to step down. Worst case Ruth Bader Ginsburg steps down too. What joy for trump that will be. Two more appointees to SCOTUS. Then for sure he will own them and they dare not go against him. He has no love for Roberts at all. The trump will be very happy to get rid of him. Which brings to mind a possibility.

Did the trump cause the "lightheadedness" by doctoring a drink or food by one of his spineless eunuch lemming toady sycophants? You know he would if he could get away with it and what the he* who is going to stop him? More to worry about as if we didn't have enough?

Posted - July 8, 2020
