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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » More senior lawmakers won't show up. FEAR OF VIRUS! The trump says he is "flexible" vis a vis the GOP convention. How "flexible"?

More senior lawmakers won't show up. FEAR OF VIRUS! The trump says he is "flexible" vis a vis the GOP convention. How "flexible"?

Will he wear a mask gloves social distance?

As cases a surging rising spiking in Florida insisting on having the trump ego party in Jacksonville is not looking too good. Even that sapa** sadsack de Santis may have to make some changes and lord knows he is a trump a**kisser extrraorindaire. So the trump isn't gonna have the clout to call all the shots. The virus may be in charge. Let's see how "flexible" the "flexible extreme stable genius" is. Place yer bets.

Posted - July 8, 2020
