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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Schools are not built for social distancing. The trump says he may cut off funding to schools that refuse to reopen. Are you for/unfor?

Schools are not built for social distancing. The trump says he may cut off funding to schools that refuse to reopen. Are you for/unfor?

He makes demands and uses threats of financial hits if the schools don't obey him.

Your kids are the test cases. Your kids are the ones who will get hurt along with the teachers.

Is your wish desire hope that schools open up kids go and teacher go and everything is hunky dorry? Or do you worry that will set up more superspreader situations and as all ages are now being sickened you are putting your kids at risk to obey a demand of a guy who doesn't give a rat's a** about human life.?

Posted - July 8, 2020


  • 33921
    CDC NEVER recommended that schools close. 

    What is the difference in the young children being at school learning or at daycare, church etc playing?  They will still be gathered in the same place and not social distancing.  Mom and Dad still have to work. 

    The few children who have been diagnosed with the disease actually got it from their parents.  

    My kids are older but if they were still in school...they would be in school this fall. 
      July 8, 2020 9:10 AM MDT

  • 10576

    No, schools were not designed for social distancing.  However, most schools are smart enough to implement changes.  Too bad trump’s not.  He’s stuck in 1950.

    Most school districts here in NorCal are poised for half/half opening come August (unless we’re under lockdown again) - 2 days in-classroom learning and 3 days distance learning.  They’re implementing standards to ensure both social distancing and mask wearing for everyone.  It won’t be like it was before, but at least they’re trying.  Can’t say that much for trump. 

      July 8, 2020 1:45 PM MDT

  • 113301
    My understanding is that the bump chump trump wnats full opening with all kids in school attending. None of this distance learning. He wants to make sure the economy is humming by November and believes education running at full steam is a necessity so parents can dump their kids in school so they can work. We'll see who wins this one. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      July 9, 2020 2:41 AM MDT