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Second lockdown in Melbourne, Austrialia. Condolences but honestly it's good to know the US isn't alone with this problem. Your country?

Posted - July 9, 2020


  • 549
    The number of new confirmed UK cases is still on a downward trend - nearly 2 weeks have passed in which we've had fewer than 1000 cases a day. This mirrors much of Western Europe. There have been some local outbreaks. A few weeks ago Leicester became the first city to have a local lock-down imposed. There have also been some mini-outbreaks associated with particular employers, such as a bed factory and a meat-processing plant, both in Yorkshire.

    We also need to bear in mind that the pubs only re-opened a few days ago (many still haven't in my town). Whilst some establishments have taken measures to enforce social distancing by customers, others appear not to have done, and were reportedly packed to the rafters when they opened up last Saturday.

    So, all things considered, I am still worried about the prospect of a new spike or local outbreak, but I'm a bit more optimistic than I was a month ago. 

    Happy Friday!
      July 10, 2020 3:39 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Hi there Rev and Happy Friday right backatcha! I'm glad to hear that your numbers are down over-all but I share your worry. Of course sadly California is one of several states most grimly surging (Texas, Arizona and Florida I believe lead the way of badness). That shocked me because our Guv locked us down in Mid March. But of course some folks even then were maskless and ignoring mocking ridiculing attacking insulting. Some of them are probably dead now. I toss that in just because I'm sure it's true. You know though this current strain is slightly different than the original because it is more easily spread. Also more info is coming about the LASTING damage to lungs kidneys heart BRAIN. Even a mild case of the virus can do lasting damage. People being what they are and our "leader" insisting on holding large gatherings as he does I think our country will be forever spiking and surging and spiking and surging until we get rid of the "leader". We just do our best to get through each day by staying away from others. When we go out grocery shopping or for essential errands we are very wary and look at others are being possible carriers. We're fine so far but since we don't know who is infected or how long the danger will last I see no light at the end of the tunnel. Add to that the "leader" demanding all schools reopen WIDE next month. Fingers crossed we will survive. But it will not be due to anything supported promoted promulgated by our current woefully inept impotent government. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply and well keep your chin up m'dear. Hope you and yours are doing fine and will continue to do so. Also be glad you are not an American. We are stuck with the world's worst "leader". AARRGGHH! :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 10, 2020 5:32 AM MDT
      July 10, 2020 4:01 AM MDT