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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Confederates were traitors to the union and committed treason. They were criminals. Why would trump fight so hard to honor them?

Confederates were traitors to the union and committed treason. They were criminals. Why would trump fight so hard to honor them?

He seems to always support the "underdog" automatically. He seems to always be there for those in society whom most normal human beings shun. I guess you might say he is a Contrarian. For its own sake or for a very noble worthy cause?

Is this the trump way of holding out his hand to help that segment of the population any way he can because they disgust the rest of us who wouldn't give them the time of day let alone a helping hand? A TRUE CHRISTIAN?

Does he really have a kind heart, empathy and sincere concern for everyone and always goes in the corner of the "bad" because he knows at heart they are really very good people too?

He takes on their battle because no one else will?

He always believes the reply excuse reason justification rationalization lie. Automatically. Maybe we need to take another look at him. Perhaps he is the icon for the rejected unlikable excluded? Maybe he will become a crucifix around the necks of those he bleeds for and defends and support. Could it be that simple? In his image on a chain. The Donald is there for you. You can buy the chain with the donald charm for $99.95 on his website. That is the lead version. If you want it in silver or gold it will cost more. Stand together all ye unwashed. Show your appreciation for your defender! You have nothing to lose but your chains.

Posted - July 11, 2020
