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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever hear of OP or OPPO Research. Used in partisan politics to dig up dirt on your competitor...the opposition...the enemy! AND SO?

Ever hear of OP or OPPO Research. Used in partisan politics to dig up dirt on your competitor...the opposition...the enemy! AND SO?

Well here's your "and so"

The trump cabal et al USED OPPO research against Dr. Anthony Fauci so they could come up with a list of what he got wrong and use it to discredit him.

SAY WHAT? I'm joking right? No sadly I am not. In order to make tolerable credible the inane insane chief mistake maker "they" have to go after the science guy and make him look less than so the really less than guy won't look so crappy sappy nappy happy krappy. Funny thing. It's blowing back on him. It shows him to be even more pathetic and desperate than we imagined. Turning on a highly respected science guy like that!

EVERYONE WAS WRONG at the beginning. EVERYONE MADE HUGE MISTAKES because this virus is a new thing. NO ONE GOT IT RIGHT AT FIRST. However Dr. Fauci got it early on and started sharing advice of how to cope with it and well you know the rest. The chief problem maker ignored all of it for months.  i tand fake newsed it and mocked it and ridiculed it and DID NOTHING to help and everything to make things much much much much worse. The nation in the world that LEADS in cases and death and shooting UP UP UP UP UP UP UP.

Now trump a** is on the hot seat so of course he is throwing anyone under the bus he thinks will make him look better. What a doofus thing to think. Meanwhile his poll numbers are diving down. People are not showing up on his command. Members of his own party will not show up at his "celebration nomination". They value their lives more than they respect him. His day in the sun is done. He is being ignored more and more by other Republicans. A white noise of meaningless sound.  So watch this desperate wounded animal do whatever he can to bring down anyone within reach.

Posted - July 15, 2020
