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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Isn't this where we came in? California is once again in TOTAL LOCKDOWN. I expect some of your states are too. Know what I wonder?

Isn't this where we came in? California is once again in TOTAL LOCKDOWN. I expect some of your states are too. Know what I wonder?

How will the different sports worldwide survive the lack of billions maybe trillions of dollars that fans used to pay to watch the games in person?

et al

What happens to the OLYMPICS? What happens to running marathons? There are some that are world-famous like the Boston Marathon and the one in Honolulu each year. Maybe one of the more famous is run somewhere near you.

We have no definite timeline for when this will end. It's open-ended and depends on how diligent we are in doing WHAT WE KNOW WE SHOULD DO and we already know some of us (YOU?) refuse to do anything except what we always did. Fake Hoax Phony. The hostile belligerant among you can keep this up forever I guess and so you will.  I dunno. HOPELESS comes to mind.

Posted - July 15, 2020


  • 3719
    A  very good question...

    ... and one I don't think anyone can honestly answer.

    The televised professional and professionally-run sports will scrape by thanks to their deals with the TV companies but the very many less-publicised and amateur sports will find it very hard. 

    Everyone is banking on the pandemic quietening down so we can all get on with our lives in 2021, but I think hope may be already fading. I wonder if ironically, the precautions we are all trying to take may actually delay the end of it, but we have to use them because the alternative - leaving everything to Nature - is too horrendous and inhumane to consider. 

      July 15, 2020 6:00 PM MDT

  • 113301
    If there were any doubt early on we now know absolutely that America is run and controlled by a madman and his willing toady sycophants. It is now and has been killing us for months. The total disinterest and indifference. There was some playacting going on for a few months. But it got to be very embarrassing. Truth often is. So as the cases and deaths are EXPLODING the trump has decided to cut off direct information and have it all filtered through him. Does he have that authority? Of course that matters not to him. Every day I feel more helpless. Where is the end? The problem for us is the devoted worshippers who will ignore everything they should be doing to support the trump. So if 70% of americans do the right thing there will still be that pesky 30% that are doing wrong. There must be a solution right? Thank you for your reply Durdle and Happy Thursday. I'm going to ask about solutions.
      July 16, 2020 2:31 AM MDT