Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » All brains are not the same. Some are filled with this and that and others are quite empty void devoid of thought. So what?

All brains are not the same. Some are filled with this and that and others are quite empty void devoid of thought. So what?

Why are the VOID brains usually the "leaders"? Are empty heads cuter?

They have one or two thoughts that they regurgitate 24/7. That's it. Nothing more. Only that. Over and over and over and over. Empty heads are the winners and those filled with ideas and inventiveness and creativity and substance are blocked stopped prevented shackled.  GO FIGGER!

F'r intance a Dr. Anthony Fauci president. Consider that if your brain doesn't explode in the trying.

An intelligent knowledgeable experienced measured calm logical human being. Could you take it?

Posted - July 16, 2020
