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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Betcha all true believer trump supporters are praying to GOD to keep Ruth Bader Ginsburg in hospital so the trump replaces her. RIGHT?

Betcha all true believer trump supporters are praying to GOD to keep Ruth Bader Ginsburg in hospital so the trump replaces her. RIGHT?

Not that you pray for her to die of course. Just pray for her to be permanently unable to come back to bench thus leaving the way open for the trump to appoint another extreme right-wing white FASCIST RACIST to the bench. You like those odds. 6-3. Although you did screwed by two of them didn't you? Both trump boys? Gorsuch and Kavanaugh voted with the Liberals. There is no guarantee that other trump appointees won't also screw him. If they have any moral or pride they will do so from time to time. In any case how are your prayers being framed to GOD. Dear GOD please make RBG unable to continue"? Where's the harm in that?

I don't trust any of you. I wonder if GOD does?

Posted - July 17, 2020
