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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Children don't get the virus". We are not even a year into a brand new virus and knowledge-bereft officious peeps tell us that. Premature?

"Children don't get the virus". We are not even a year into a brand new virus and knowledge-bereft officious peeps tell us that. Premature?

As we go along futurely forwardly we are discovering more and more about the nature of this virus and in fact when it does affect children it is often their brains. We cannot know the long-term effects of getting the virus and surviving. Long-term doesn't happen in a few months. We do know many survivors are left with long-term damage.

So the know-it-alls are very content to throw all their children back in school. They will be safe. Children don't get the disease. That is the mindset by gawd and don't tell them any otherwise. They are not interested. What happens to the teachers and others involved in running schools? Perfect places for SUPERSPREADING and bringing home.

Just as the trump knows more than the generals y'all know more than the scientists. Good luck with that. So far no good. Why not keep it up? What ya got ta lose? So your kids are brain=damaged so what? Got ta open up the economy NOW so the trump can trumpet how wondrous a job he has done with that. Anything for the trump. Anything to please the trump. Sacrifice anything including your children to pacify the trump. What good little loyalists. Carry on. Children are replaceable. You can always make more of them right?

Posted - July 17, 2020


  • 35039
    Children can get the virus.  But unless they have previous health issues....they have very mild syptoms  or none at all.  

    The data shows that they are not the super-spreaders either. In fact the majority of child cases, the child contracted the disease from their parents not the other way around and not from other children.

      July 17, 2020 12:26 PM MDT