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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "They" say apologizing shows weakness. It shows the exact shows strength! Only the weak don't apologize. LEMMINGS?

"They" say apologizing shows weakness. It shows the exact shows strength! Only the weak don't apologize. LEMMINGS?

Because they were told that in a John Wayne movie. "Never apologize. It shows weakness". Such bullsh** crap. Only the mental defects think that.

Posted - July 17, 2020


  • 10798

    In order to apologize, one has to set aside their pride; in other words, they have to humble themselves.  People see humility as weakness, therefore apologizing is a sign of weakness as well.  Any fool can act tough.  However, it takes a truly strong person to be humble.

    When pride comes, disgrace follows; but with humility comes wisdom.

      July 17, 2020 1:36 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Having to admit they were WRONG is impossible for some. "Never apologize never explain". A John Wayne extreme right wing white fascist racist view. Whites are "never wrong so they never have to apologize for anything", That is what passes as "bat's in the belfry" logic. They are all nutty as fruitcakes and fruity too. Adorable incorrigibles. they will never know what they are. They too cannot process information. Wondrous to behold what comes of that isn't it Shuhak? Wondrous indeed. Thank you for your reply. Wonder what the bat's in the befry guy plans to do today?.
      July 18, 2020 3:46 AM MDT