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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » COVID 19 cases in Joplin, Missouri SEVEN TIMES HIGHER than one month ago. Are the fakey hoaxy jokesy folksy still in DENIAL?

COVID 19 cases in Joplin, Missouri SEVEN TIMES HIGHER than one month ago. Are the fakey hoaxy jokesy folksy still in DENIAL?

I know. A river in Egypt. The Nile.

Well lying and denying is part of the trump charm. His lemming acolyte adoring worshippers take on every defect he has very gladly. They adore the guy that much. Doesn't say much about them but then who cares? They made their bed and they gotta lie down in it and if they bit** and moan and groan about it whose fault is that?

Posted - July 17, 2020


  • While I appreciate your "concern" for my health and well being out here, let not your heart be troubled. We're evidently dealing with an extremely intelligent virus which has evolved to the point of adapting a political ideology. It's developed to the point where it can read and understand a calendar for schools, and businesses. It is up on current events and on every move made by the politicians in DC. It took a time out so our noble citizens could wreck and ruin cities in the name of fighting "bigotry and racism". This is one savvy disease. It hasn't proved to be the killing machine that cancer, heart disease, stroke, alcohol and drug abuse have proven to be, but at the same time we've never tried to run, hide or permanently suspend our lives for reason of those flimsy complaints. In short, when someone stops creating fraudulent numbers to sustain spikes in case numbers and stop supporting dragging these scare tactics into perpetuity, then I'll come out of Denial but not before.  
      July 17, 2020 6:25 PM MDT