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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Sobering revelation. The trump wasn't the only one spreading "misleading" information about COVID 19 for TWO MONTHS. The others?

Sobering revelation. The trump wasn't the only one spreading "misleading" information about COVID 19 for TWO MONTHS. The others?

Other fASCIST RACIST world leaders as well as the World Health Organization.

They KNEW the virus could spread undetected. They knew symptomless carriers could spread it. They KNEW it was a very nasty thing heading toward us and they "pretended" it was just like the flu and was nothing to worry about. Some like the trump ridiculed mocked lied about ignored it just long enough to make amurrica become a disastrous tragedy. His purpose in doing that? Well anything he can do to weaken amurrica is pleasing to Putin and we all know that comes first with the trump. So there yar! Suck it up. More to come. Betchure all so delighted that the trump turned out to be so much less than you hoped he would be. You had no idea he would dive down so far to blow up our world. More than you bargained for and y'all celebrate and include in your daily prayers. Nay you pray to him...the trump. Go direct. Why go through a middleman? Amazing.

Posted - July 18, 2020
