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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "This is the time of year when everyone wants to take a vacation. Travel." VACATION FROM WHAT? Being out of work? Sheltering in place?

"This is the time of year when everyone wants to take a vacation. Travel." VACATION FROM WHAT? Being out of work? Sheltering in place?

Who can possibly be thinking about taking a VACATION NOW during this hurge enormous spikey surge in new COVID 19 cases and deaths? You?

What kind of brain-eating amoeba attacks such people who think such things?

Posted - July 19, 2020


  • 10798

    A vacation from all this stress!  Everything is so darn depressing!

    The virus is coming, the virus is coming!  Shut everything down!  Reopen everything, and then shut it all down again!  Stay at home!   Kids out of school!  Economy tanking!  Soaring job loses!  Long work hours!  Food shortages!  Racial tensions!  Protesting!  Hackers!  Police shootings!  Lootings!  Rising death tolls!  Idiots refusing to listen to common sense!  Millions sick!  Can’t go see/talk to friends/family!   Hate!  Anger!  Frustration!  Uncertainty!  Lies!  Bad news at every turn!  Open schools verses schools closed!  Blacks verses whites!  Mask verses no mask!   Overflowing hospitals!  Bickering politicians! … Make it stop!  Make it stop!!!!!!


    Fresh air.  Calm lakes.  Sunshine.  Open highways.  Warm sandy beaches.  Cool rivers.  Picnics.  BBQs.  Laughter.  No screaming kids.  No nagging spouse.  No presidents.  No governors.   No bickering.  - For the first time in over 6 months... peace!

      July 19, 2020 3:43 PM MDT

  • 113301
    But you CAN take a vacation in the comfort of your own home Shuhak! READ something nifty that will carry you away to elsewhere. We often run away to TCM (Turner Classic Movies). Just saw "The Long Gray Line" a couple of days ago. It made us feel PROUD to be Americans. Been a long time since we've felt that. Of course you can take a vacation but traveling with your imagination to unknown worlds. I have never understood the need for "getting away" as being only possible physically. Different strokes! Anyway you already live in heaven or as close to it as is possibe on earth. You live in northern California m'dear. LUCKY YOU! Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to you! STAY SAFE! :)
      July 20, 2020 2:44 AM MDT

  • 10798

    I was referring to people in general, not just me.  Personally, I'm not a vacation person.  At work, the only way to get me to take a vacation was to throw me out the door.  I always managed to find a way/reason to work through my vacation time (and yes, the place actually did fall apart anytime I wasn’t there).   I never considered my mountain hikes vacations.  

      July 20, 2020 2:04 PM MDT

  • 113301
    No surprise I'm not a vacation person either. I'm a homebody. Travel by air to anywhere was always a royal pain in the arse. Getting there and coming home was an ordeal I despised. Being there? It was fine but not always worth what it took to get there. A traveler I'm not except vicariously. I do enjoy others reporting their adventures. I can enjoy them in the comfort of my home. I'm very big on that. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      July 21, 2020 3:54 AM MDT