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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The adamant certitude of the ANTIVAX crew is what will eventually undo us. They will remain OBDURATE and OBSTINATE and be our undoing. WHY?

The adamant certitude of the ANTIVAX crew is what will eventually undo us. They will remain OBDURATE and OBSTINATE and be our undoing. WHY?

Because they will REFUSE to be vaccinated so they will always be the TYPHOID MARYS and MAURYS that are killing us and don't give a rat's a**.

There yar. What's the point of doing anything about anything. Let disease run rampant and kill milliions of us. The ANTIVAX must get what they want at the expense of the rest of us. They are selfish and arrogant and spoiled and indolent and worst of all they are DEAD WRONG. But they will survive connive thrive. Just like roaches. They will inherit the earth.

Posted - July 21, 2020
