There are GOVERNORS who are responsible for their states. That is why they are called GOVERNORS. THEY GOVERN. There are MAYORS responsible for what goes on in their cities. By what right does der speiglebum have to take over the operations of the states? By FIAT? Just because he says so? Seriously?
Der speiglebum is UNWANTED in all those states. Possibly the crony crooked corrupt cops want him and his federal thugs there but no one else does. The political setup of states is being ignored entirely.
Der speiglebum sez "I am the chosen one" and I guess he means GOD sent him with full authority to do whatever he wants. Who is going to impede obstacle block "the chosen one".
I think he is full of crap of course. I expect all his adoring worshippers are so proud of his gall of his chutzpah of his obdurate obstinate obtuse rule. "You go get 'em speiglebum". His victories are their victories.
They're all nuts!