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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I expect every der speiglebum adoring worshipper is a gun person. Therefore to whit they all to a person support his thuggery. Do you too?

I expect every der speiglebum adoring worshipper is a gun person. Therefore to whit they all to a person support his thuggery. Do you too?

They applaud him every single time der speiglebum tramples on the constitution. The only part he knows is the right to arm bears. The rest of it is useless. His adoring worshippers follow his lead.

For them and him the only person who has the right to FREE SPEECH and FREE ASSEMBLY is der speiglebum. No one else does except to defend support embrace protect AGREE with him. Ever.

Simplicity is the key to der speiglebum. That is his core his essence his raison d'etre! There is nothing more to him than that. SIMPLETON. One dimension. One level. One mission. To instill fear in every living human being so that der speigleman can have his way with them. Good luck with that speigleboy. You will need a barrel of it.

Posted - July 22, 2020
