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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Anyone who is allowed to baton beat, teargas, taser or pepper spray should be baton beaten teargassed tasered peppersprayed. AGREE RIGHT?

Anyone who is allowed to baton beat, teargas, taser or pepper spray should be baton beaten teargassed tasered peppersprayed. AGREE RIGHT?

After all how do you know how the shoes feel unless you walk in them?.

Surely those who employ those tactics are not chickensh** cowards are they? They are all tough strong mystery meat men who long to take charge of others and intimidate them and beat them and taser them pepper spray them baton beat them.

If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

That would weed out the wimps wusses weak lily livered girlymen. Don't want any of THEM there right? Only stouthearted men.

Also and more importantly if they carry guns they should be shot in a leg or an arm to know what being shot feels like. Not anywhere that would jeopardize their lives of course. Just somewhere there on them.

What could it hurt? Try it you'll like it. Everyone says so. Shape up or ship out! Are you a mouse or a MAN?
Do you hide behind women's skirts or do you stand in front to protect them? What is the measure of a man? Depends on which part you measure. Tsk tsk. What made you think of THAT?

Posted - July 22, 2020
