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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The virus began in China spread to Europe and then to the US via New York but it's now the der speigleman(HEIL HIM) virus! Since when?

The virus began in China spread to Europe and then to the US via New York but it's now the der speigleman(HEIL HIM) virus! Since when?

Since der speigleman(HEIL HIM) mocked it ridiculed it and called it a hoax in late January/early February. From that moment on he owned it and all that has resulted from his ownership.

The trump virus...worse than the BLACK PLAGUE. What GOD sent to save y'all right? Imagine that? Are you SURE GOD LOVES YOU? ARe you sure it was GOD and not the brother from another mother that gifted you with it/him/them?

Posted - July 24, 2020
