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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is this as peculiarly QUEER to you as it is to me? Can you explain the why of it?

Is this as peculiarly QUEER to you as it is to me? Can you explain the why of it?

The pumpkina** is now on a tear to invalidate all mail-in votes. He says it will cause him to lose the election due to fraud.

He and his family vote by mail. His adoring worshippers see nothing wrong with that. He excoriates something he does himself and his peeps accept all of it without question.

He does that all the time and no matter how reversal he is and backwards he is and how many times he puts his tail between his legs and backtracks they support him. No matter how much he does what he forbids others from doing they support him. No matter how big the lies and how big the harm he does they support him. There is no circumstance that will cause them to abandon him. He is their GOD on earth and what he says goes. What he does is perfectly fine.  They have no problem with him at any level.

So quite clearly there is a defect of brain that they are unable incapable of connecting what he is/does/says with what he demands of everyone else. They simply are incapable of comprehending it. That is why we are where we are.If the people were brighter smarter more astute we wouldn't be in this dark place.  But they aren't. They are exactly what you see and hear and they are raising their spawn to be exactly the same as they are.

Doom and gloom. Zoom zoom zoom! Boom boom boom! What will happen today? Guess.

Posted - July 26, 2020
