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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Senate Republicans are the glitch blocking another relief bill being ready to roll. They bicker among themselves. They WILL PAY won't they?

Senate Republicans are the glitch blocking another relief bill being ready to roll. They bicker among themselves. They WILL PAY won't they?

All up for re-election in November INCLUDING THE MAJOR BLOCKER that son of itch moscow mitch and folks already were showing up at HIS HOUSE to tell him to bite 'em and that was not said lovingly.

All Republicans a** in the sling and will be roasted over an open fire if they don't ACT NOW and APPROPRIATELY. Most especially those up for re-election! Re-election? Get a grip.

I have mixed feelings about it. I don't want people to suffer. I also DON'T WANT THE SONS OF itches winning contests to serve again. They don't serve they service others and spend their lives a**kissing and a**sitting and doing nothing while they collect WELFARE. Worthless sots. I'd like the folks who need help to get it now and also in November vote out the SOB's. That swamp stench is a killer. Get rid of them and start again with folks who UNDERSTAND that their only job is to serve their constituents..not a**kiss an old man 24/7. They are NOT swift they are not sharp they are not smart they are not patriotic. What are they? Wait and see. Any time now.. Everyone says so. In a "certain period of time". When people show you whom they are believe them. When people tell you whom they are believe. They don't use words to tell whom they are. They show by what they do or do not do. WATCH THEM LIKE HAWKS.

Posted - July 26, 2020
