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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The mentally blind do not perceive the world as it really is. They lack the ability due to a birth defect. Explains pumpkin peeps?

The mentally blind do not perceive the world as it really is. They lack the ability due to a birth defect. Explains pumpkin peeps?

The world they are able to perceive is not the world in its 3-dimensional reality. Like color blindness they suffer from mental blindness.

You might say they are flatland people. Two-dimensional. That third dimension is outside their ability to perceive so to them it simply does not exist. But being two-dimensional in a world that is 3 clearly is a hardship on those who do live in the world of three dimensions.

A nifty scifi book out of print these many years titled FLATLAND shows diagrams of how the two-dimensionals perceived 3. 1/3 of the 3-dimensional world was outside their wheelhouse so to speak. It did not exist for them.

So too does that extra dimension of realty escape pumpkin peeps due to mental blindness.

If you think about it logically that is the only thing could make them make any sense at all. They do not see the evil cruel destroyer in the pumpkin. All they see is how he sees himself because that is what he tells them is true and so having nothing of their own to fall back on logically they embrace him. NOT THEIR FAULT. They cannot change it even if they wished to do so which they don't. That would also require mental abilities they do not have. SIGH. And so it goes.

Posted - July 27, 2020
