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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The only poll pumpkin wins currently is the economy. Folks think he will do a he** of job better than Biden. WHY?

The only poll pumpkin wins currently is the economy. Folks think he will do a he** of job better than Biden. WHY?

We KNOW pumpkin is a liar a cheater and selfish reprobate who takes care of himself first last and always.

He 'ran" failing businesses and declared bankruptcy six times? His obscenely wealthy old man kept bailing him out of his disastrous financial catatrophes.

Yet there yar. Folks think he would do a better job. Wishful thinking NOT BASED ON TRACK RECORD OR EVIDENCE OF PROOF OR FACT but on lies.

Quaint habit of pumpkin peeps. Believing in him despite his losing repeatedly constantly endlessly eternally foreverly. A LOSER but they love the guy so they will die with him. Figurative for sure and some of them literally too. I expect. Don't you?

Posted - July 27, 2020


  • 35071
    And what do people vote? Their pocket book. 
      July 27, 2020 6:44 AM MDT