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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A pol named GOHMERT got his a** nailed to the wall. Mocked maskwearing and the virus and has it now. Know what he sez?

A pol named GOHMERT got his a** nailed to the wall. Mocked maskwearing and the virus and has it now. Know what he sez?

He says it was BECAUSE OF THE MASK. No kidding.

That is how the "brain" of a wounded animal asks when hit and dying (figuratively).

The pumpkin does that every time his a** gets nailed. HE DOUBLES DOWN.

Pretty soon every pro pumpkin republican will have his/her a** nailed to something somewhere and in unison in concert they will use the same ruse excuse. Watch and wait. It's all they know. When you're caught attack. When you're nailed attack. When your lies are revealed attack. Typical average ordinary dull mediocre.

Posted - July 30, 2020


  • 33908
    Do you have a video of him mocking people wearing masks? 

    The only mask mockers we have seen are those who wear the masks attacking those who choose not to wear.
      July 30, 2020 6:05 AM MDT

  • 44563
    Typical Southern redneck. Gohmert...sounds like Gomer.
      July 30, 2020 7:04 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Like Gomer Pyle? Or Goober? Why are rednecks so rigid? So POSITIVE they are ALWAYS RIGHT and those who disagree are ALWAYS WRONG? Why do they never allow for wiggle room...the possibility that they are wrong? Thank you for your reply E. There was a comedian who publicized his being redneck. As i recall he was very funny laughing at the foibles and "typicals" of rednecks. Jeff Foxworth or something like that. I really prefer folks who can laugh at themselves. Too bad pumpkin has zero sense of humor. Oh well! Thank you for your reply.
      August 1, 2020 4:12 AM MDT