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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Remember a few years ago when pumpkin said "don't believe what you see or hear that is not what is really happening?"

Remember a few years ago when pumpkin said "don't believe what you see or hear that is not what is really happening?"

His peeps believed him. That is why to this day they FAKE NEWS everything and only believe what pumpkin tells them is true. Period.

Which is why they deny the virus the illness the deaths. None of it is real. All fake. No one got ill. No one died. No one is homeless. No one is jobless. The economy is running good and strong and all it right and well in America.

A huge DEMOCRAT'S conspiracy to resmirch the reputation credibility and honor of pumpkin.

According to his adoring peeps that is the motivation for all the investigations charges prison time for so many folks. All are INNOCENT. None are GUILTY. ALL A BIG FAT JUICY HOAX.

Don't you feel better?

Posted - August 1, 2020
