Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh.
The pandemicpumpkina** is pulling down lotsa other repubbacans. At what point do they DISTANCE from him and make it clear they are not his useful idiot or puppet? Or do they just go down with the ship biting their lips so hard they draw blood?
They made their bed with him, now they get to lie in it. They obeyed his stupidity because it was the “party thing to do” (parties got to stick together no matter what). And, when we was “popular”, they went along for the ride; gladly riding his coattails.
My, my, my … how things have changed. He was the same idiot then as he is now, so why are they abandoning him? Because a few of them are finally taking off the rose-colored glasses and seeing him for what he really is – an idiot. Distancing themselves now is a bit late in the game. Maybe they’re probably hoping that their constituents have short memories. The Titanic is sinking and there are no lifeboats (trump didn’t think they were worth the money). What will all the rats do?