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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You want to get pregnant and have a baby? You count on it taking NINE months. A vaccine to be "born" healthy can't be short sheeted. DUH?

You want to get pregnant and have a baby? You count on it taking NINE months. A vaccine to be "born" healthy can't be short sheeted. DUH?

So pandemic pumpkina** demands a vaccine before the election.

Some FDA trials can take as long as TEN YEARS or FIVE YEARS or TWO YEARS OR THREE YEARS.

Fast-forwarding means you are NOT taking the time to test properly.

So people flock to take it and some of them die or later on develop terrible debility deadly sideffects.

But who cares right? The pandemic ignorant pumpkina** got what he ordered on time to make him seem to be ahero.

Who cares how many die because of it?

What SCIENCE person will in GOOD CONSCIENCE allow this to happen?  I guess we will find out won't we?
Gonna be among the first to flock to get vaccinated and have your kids vaccinated with a vaccine that wasn't PROPERLY TESTED because pandemic pumpkina** held a gun to the heads of the frightened and they "came through" for him?

Good luck y'all. Your 'saviour" is here and spending every waking hour demanding ordering insisting forcing.
He do luv ya don't he though?

What fools these mortals be.

Posted - August 4, 2020
