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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Wanna know what twohandypandemicpumpkina** said about John Lewis when asked?

Wanna know what twohandypandemicpumpkina** said about John Lewis when asked?

"He didn't attend my inauguration. He didn't attend my State of the Union speech." The two handypandemicpumpkina** repeated that several times. When asked if he'd object to the KKK bigshot EDMUND PETTUS bridge being renamed the John Lewis bridge he said he would no objection. Wonder how his white supremacist facist racists base thinks about THAT?

Does he hold grudges or what?. He is definitely an ELEPHANT.  Never forgets a slight a dig a criticism an insult an attack a dis a dig. Never ever never ever never ever. He lives on them and dwells on them and gets energized by them and gets off on them and dreams about them and breathes them and embraces them and will never never never never ever let them go. Elephant indeed.

Well little boys and little girls

Did you KNOW that John Lewis also boycotted the inaugration of George W. Bush? And do you recall that George W. Bush was one of three presented who attended his funderal and GAVE A EULOGY?

George W. Bush. A bigger man than twohandypandemicpumpkina** will ever. Not in size or weight since George W. is not MRBIDLY OBESE like the twohandypandemicpumpkina**. But BIG in heart and spirit and soul.

Christians are supposed to forgive. What is two handypandemicpumpkina**? I gotta ask.

Posted - August 4, 2020
