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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some folks seem to be embarrassed about showing any emotion or feeling. It makes them uncomfortable for some reason. An example?

Some folks seem to be embarrassed about showing any emotion or feeling. It makes them uncomfortable for some reason. An example?

Seeing a movie, hearing music, seeing something on TV that brings tears to your eyes. Embarrassing or heartwarming?

I expect it's because showing any emotion is considered to be a weakness by some and makes you vulnerable?

Or are some folks truly made of brick and mortar and stone and steel and feel nothing at all?

I wonder if are they all  SOCIOPATHS? Is being a sociopath genetic? Does it run in families?

Posted - August 5, 2020


  • 10572

    I, for one, am extremely embarrassed at showing emotion.  

    I’m a highly emotional person.  Always have been.   You’d be surprised at how easily I can be “moved” by something (TV, movies, music, nature – you name it).   What’s most embarrassing is that I can’t control it.  Maybe somewhere deep inside I do believe it is a sign of weakness or vulnerability.   I have yet to see it as an asset.

      August 5, 2020 12:55 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You know Shuhak one of the things I most LOVE about Jim? When we watch a movie if I am teary eyed he is too. He has no problem "feeling" and sharing those feelings. I don't mean he ends up sobbing or anything. I only did that once when I saw the movie "HACHI". It tore me up. But I am emotional and I never hold back and he can share them with me. He is not the "macho dude harda**" some men think they need to be for them to be seen as Masculine. That has always turned me off completely. The brute is not remotely appealing to me. It is to some women. I think they are wired WEIRD.

    You say you have yet to see it as an asset? On the Balance Sheet of life it most definitely is an Asset not a Liability. Why? Because those who show us how they FEEL are being truthful honest and to me very open and honorable. Some never apologize because they think it shows weakness. I think it is the weak who FEAR admitting they are vulnerable and so they are definitely liabilities to me. As a retired Internal Auditor I speak in these terms to make a point. One man's asset is another man's liability. They can vary. HOWEVER THERE ARE GENERAL ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES we must abide by. No shortcuts. No fudging. No "creative bookkeeping". The Assets minus the Liabilities are our NET WORTH. So maybe one day you can relax and be you entirely without fear of being thought weak. Just my opinion for what it's worth m'dear. Thank you for your reply. Of course by now you KNOW I show everything. No ace up my sleeve. No trick deck.
      August 6, 2020 3:57 AM MDT