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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » OMG(oodness)! I just heard about 3 minutes of pandemic pumpkina** gibberishing his words and disconnecting from his surroundings. WHY?

OMG(oodness)! I just heard about 3 minutes of pandemic pumpkina** gibberishing his words and disconnecting from his surroundings. WHY?

Election time is a few months away. Advertising is revving up. All kinds.

The most DEVASTATING ads Dems can run are of pandemic pumpkina* misprouncing words several times and then saying them again to erase the errors. Or wandering off into lalaland getting off topic and off off topic relententlessly endlessly and going over "charts and statistics" that he doesn't understand  comprehend grasp at all yet insisting on his interpretation.

It is at once hilarious and tragic. His own words will do him in better than anyone else or anything else.

Lots more clip ahead of the bumbleman. Over 3-1/2 years worth of his style of "presidenting" like a madman.

Can billbarr STOP the running of these ads? SILENCE his master? I dunno. Pandemicpumpkina** has no clue what he sounds like or looks like. To him every word out of his is golden and brilliant and wise and genius.

Dems will save tons of money because they do not have to pay ad agencies to come up with political ads at all.

Stand back and let pandemicpumpkina** talk. That's it.

Posted - August 6, 2020


  • 33908
    Only difference between an anti Trump commercial and the same style antiBiden commercial is the amount of editing required.  A lot of it for the AntiTrump and for antiBiden just play his lastest interview unedited. 
      August 6, 2020 6:22 AM MDT