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Are you familiar with the poem "FUZZY WUZZY WAS A BEAR"?

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy
No by gosh he wasn't was he?

The emperor is naked naked naked as a jaybird.
His adoring worshippers see him as clothed which is absurd
They stay in a tight herd together 24/7
They believe that they are all headed headed for heaven

They are getting hotter and hotter and hotter each day
As they trudge together on their way
As they enter what they think are the gates of heaven
They're toasted like a grilled cheese from 7/11

Pandemicpumpkina** is there to greet them
How kind of him to leave his golf game to meet 'em
He knows the place well since his whole life has been spent in HE**
Together forever forever together together forever well well well well well

Posted - August 6, 2020
